Today's Quote

Monday, October 20, 2008

In the Beginning...

I can't stand organized religion. It teaches a person to not think; to blindly follow whatever. In religion, a person is chastised for original thought. If a person questions the teachings, said person is told that it is just the way God meant it to be, and therefore it is right.

I cannot believe in a god who wants people to worship him. If such a god existed, and was truly powerful, he would not be so insecure as to need such attention.

I don't know if there is a god. And I'm okay with that. My biggest issue is someone else pushing their ideal god on me. If you want to believe in a god, by all means, go ahead. But you don't need some organization telling you how to believe in that god. And you shouldn't be required to pay money in order to believe in that god. No god I can dream up would ever tell everyone that they had to gather together roughly once a week. Which religious book says that? While there are likely several "examples" that people will refer to and quote on this, they are merely translated verses out of a book supposedly written by some deity. Well, not written. Dictated, somehow, and written by a man who was all alone during this time. No one else ever hears the god but the one man. Curious.

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